Tessa Baatz - Maid of Honor
Tessa and Meaghan met in 2008 at Sands Secondary School.

Emily Coelho - Bridesmaid
Emily and Meaghan met in 2001 at Gray Elementary.

Rebecca Plante - Bridesmaid
Rebecca and Meaghan met in 2014 working at Save-On-Foods.

Darian Souvie - Bridesmaid
Darian and Meaghan met in 2005 when her family moved into Turner Place, the cul-de-sac the Zwick's lived in.

Mike Fudge - Best Man
Nick and Fudge grew up together in the same neighbourhood and became close friends at age 10/11.

Nick Senkiw - Best Man
Nick M and Nick S met in Grade 1 at Bogart Public School.

Mike Lee - Groomsman
Nick and Mike Lee met at Georgian College in 2012.

Chris Pittman - Groomsman
Nick and Chris met at Bogart Public School in Grade 5.
“It seems they had been and would always be friends. Time could change much, but not that”